Betrayal has to be one of the most painful hurts of life. I guess I could label myself as an expert on hurt since my career of over thirty years has been to try to help others with their pain. Being a counselor has involved hearing stories that display from minor to devastating pain.
Betrayal is like rejection, but has some important differences. We all will experience some rejection in life. Betrayal is where we have already established a relationship of acceptance and trust before the rejection occurred. Having loved and been loved by someone creates an emotional vulnerability to that person. When betrayal occurs, devastation comes. It is like a personal attack that redefines our realty. This person has already come to know us. The closer and more deep the commitment has been, the more painful the betrayal.
Have you every experienced betrayal from someone who loved you deeply at one time? If so, you can relate to why it is described as one of life’s most painful hurts. You may feel, “Why was I not valuable enough to maintain their love, devotion, and trust?” “Did they ever really love me?”
I encourage you with truth. You are valuable and worthy of love. Why do I know this? Because our Creator and the Lord of Life itself says so. If anyone knows the depth of hurt from betrayal it is Jesus. You are in great company.